PowerPoint 2007 offers some new features that will make your job of adding graphics to your BBP storyboard much easier than in earlier versions of the software. Just as you began setting up the storyboard by creating distinctive layouts in 7, the best place to begin working in PowerPoint 2007 now is with the new Custom Layout feature, which will help you set up the sections of the storyboard that correspond to the sections of your story template. In 6, you applied layouts with different backgrounds to the Key Point, Explanation, and Detail slides so that you could see them clearly in Slide Sorter view and practice scaling your presentation to time. These visual cues indicate to your audience s working memory which slides are more important than others as you present them in sequence. In 7, you reviewed different ways to sketch these slide layouts to build on this foundation and keep the hierarchy of the presentation clear. Your goal now is to use PowerPoint 2007 features to create the slide layouts you sketched and apply color to them to call attention to the most important slides rst and then to the second-most and third-most important sets of slides. The completed Key Point, Explanation, and Detail slides from the example presentation shown in Figure 8-8 demonstrate how both layout and color work together to indicate the relative importance of these slides.

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The find_person method asks the user to enter either the name or the ID of the person he or she is looking for. The $db.execute line cleverly checks both the name and id columns at the same time. Therefore, a match on either the id or name will work. If no match is found, the user will be told, and the method will end early. If there s a match, the information for that user will be extracted and printed onscreen.

In the material that follows, I sometimes use something called lambda expressions. These are small, unnamed functions that can only contain an expression, and that return its value. A lambda expression is written like this: lambda x, y, z: x + y + z The first word, lambda, is a reserved word (keyword).1 It is followed by the parameters, a colon (:), and finally the body (an expression). Although lambdas can be useful at times, you are usually better off writing a full-fledged function, especially because the function name will then say something about what your function does.

You can tie it up with a main routine that acts as a menu system for the four methods described earlier. You already have the database connection code in place, so creating a menu is simple:


loop do puts %q{Please select an option: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create people table Add a person Look for a person Quit}

case gets.chomp when '1' create_table when '2' add_person when '3' find_person when '4' disconnect_and_quit end end

make a backup copy of them on your local computer in case you have problems with the Internet connection. If you will use the PowerPoint presenter tools in Slide Show view or on a Tablet PC, review the instructions in Appendix B on the companion CD to prepare the presentation. If you re not able to set up the equipment and rehearse in the room in advance of the presentation, at a minimum you should set up the equipment before the presentation with enough time available to resolve any technology issues that might arise. You might also want to rehearse in a similar room beforehand.

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